SOLD SOLD SOLD “Rowena” Female Morkie, Born: 09/10/2023, Ready: 11/19/2023 SOLD SOLD SOLD
"Rowena", I thought the beautiful name was perfect for this beautifulBlack & Tan Morkie girl! She is absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to see how she looks at 6 weeks old. These little sweethearts are so cool and will be such a fun, neat litter. It's so fun to see the variety in colors amongst this litter. She is projected to weigh approximately 8-10 pounds full grown. Love this little Rowena girl!
Morkies are such a great Breed combination! Morkies combine the Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie) and Maltese, which are both just the greatest little breeds. Yorkies just have such great, spunky energy. And Maltese are amazing little companions. So when you combine the two, you end up with an amazing Morkie, with great qualities from both sides!