SOLD SOLD SOLD “Remzi” Female Morkie, Born: 09/10/2023, Ready: 11/19/2023 SOLD SOLD SOLD
Oh Sweet "Remzi" girl, you are so cute! Love, love, love the beautiful Parti Coloring on this sweet girl. Parti Coloring is the combination of Black, White and Tan. It's so cool. Remzi is a little doll face! She is projected to weigh approximately 8-10 pounds full grown.
Morkies are such a great Breed combination! Morkies combine the Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie) and Maltese, which are both just the greatest little breeds. Yorkies just have such great, spunky energy. And Maltese are amazing little companions. So when you combine the two, you end up with an amazing Morkie, with great qualities from both sides!
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 6/2/23 "Fabia n" Morkie Boy, Born: 03.18.2023, Ready: 05.22.2022 (Parti Coloring) SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 06/02/2023
Ok, this little guy is full of energy! He absolutely loves to play hard and has such a fun temperament. I love his markings. He is a beautiful Parti coloring! He is projected to weigh approximately 8-9 pounds full grown. What a cutie!
Weight on:
04/13/2023- 1.7.2lbs
SOLD SOLD SOLD "Dudley" Male Shorkiepoo, 12/25/2022, Ready: 02/26/2023 SOLD SOLD SOLD
This little cutie sold before his pictures even hit the website.
"Waverly" Female Shorkiepoo, Born: 05.06.2022, Ready: 07.13.2022
Oh gosh, what a pretty little gal! Miss Waverly is going to be gorgeous, with beautiful coloring. Love this beautiful golden brown look. She will likely lighten to a blonde color as she matures. She is such a little cutie!Â
Waverly has gotten such an adorable, scruffy look lately! I think she is such a cutie pie!!!
Waverly is projected to weigh approximately 5-6 pounds. She is out of a 4 pound Yorkie Dad and 5 Pound Shorkiepoo Mom. So cute!
Weight on 05/28/2022: 1pound, 1.6ounces
Weight on 06/30/2022: 1pound, 13.7ounces
Weight on 07/19/2022: 2pounds, 0.5ounces
Weight on 10/10/2022: 3pounds, 2ounces
***What is a Shorkiepoo? It is such a neat Designer Breed, that combines all the best Characterisitics and Features of Shih Tzu, Yorkie and Poodle! This is such a great breed, and so fun to have so many colors and unique markings in one litter.
"Kaira" Female YorkiePoo, Born: 06/06/2022, Ready: 08/30/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 11/06/2022 “Otis” Male Yorkie (Parti Color), Born: 09/23/2022, Ready: 12/02/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 11/06/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10/13/2022 “Felicity” Female Yorkie, Born: 08.05.2022, Ready: 10.22.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10/13/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10/04/2022 “Regina” Female Shorkiepoo, Born: 05/30/2022, Ready: 08/03/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10/03/2022 “Turtle” Male Shorkie, Born: 08.10.2022, Ready: 10.15.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10/03/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10/03/2022 “Tootsie” Female Shorkie, Born: 08.10.2022, Ready: 10.15.2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD “Ruby” Female Shorkiepoo, Born: 05/30/2022, Ready: 08/03/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/22/2022 “Ramon” Male Shorkiepoo, Born: 05/30/2022, Ready: 08/02/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/22/2022
(Maltese and Yorkie Combined)
SOLD SOLD SOLD ON 09/14/22 “Scarlett” Female Morkie, Parti Color, Born: 06.16.2022, Ready: 08.25.2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD as of 08/03/2022 “Tate” Male ShorkiePoo, Born: 05/28/2022, Ready: 08/01/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/03/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD as pf 08/04/2022"Tessie" Female ShorkiePoo, Born: 05/28/2022, Ready: 08/01/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD
Holy Smokes! This little cutie is too much! She is pint sized, with the biggest personality! She loves to stand on her hind legs and paw with her front feet for extra attention. She is a little show stopper! I absolutely love her temperament and everything she is. She is projected to weigh approximately 7-8 pounds full grown.
Weight on 07/18/2022: 1pound, 15ounces
SOLD SOLD SOLD 07/30/2022 “Gordon” Male Shorkie, Born: 04.16.2022, Ready:NOW 06.20.2022
Oh what a cutie! Gordon is turning into such a ham! He cracks me up, he loves to stretch his legs out behind him and he just knows how to relax and be adorable! What a little sweetheart!!! He has such sweet eyes!
Gordon is projected to weigh approximately 10-11 pounds full grown. Pending Pending PendingÂ
Weight on 05/03/2022: 1pound, 2.6ounces
Weight on 05/28/2022: 2pounds, 11.6ounces
Weight on 07/13/2022: 6pounds, 6ounces
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/02/2022 “Rowan” Male Maltese, Born: 06/11/2022, Ready: 08/25/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/02/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/02/2022 “Rowan” Male Maltese, Born: 06/11/2022, Ready: 08/25/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/02/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD ON 07/26/2022
“Bo Peep”, Female Parti Yorkie, Born: 05/24/2022, Ready 08/10/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD ON 07/26/2022
Well…. It’s been a little while since we’ve had Parti Color Yorkies. We are excited to present “Little Bo Peep” to you!!! She is so sweet and absolutely beautiful. Love this little one’s face! She has one colored patch eye and one white patch eye, and a beautiful hair coat. Her ears are in the process of standing up on their own, for that traditional Yorkie look. She is projected to weigh approximately 5 pounds full grown.
Weight on 07/16/2022: 1pound, 12.5ounces
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 07/25/2022 “Rafi” Male Shorkiepoo, Born: 05/30/2022, Ready: 08/02/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 07/25/2022
“Gonzo” Male Shorkie, Born: 04.16.2022, Ready: NOW 06.20.2022 Sold Sold Sold
Wow, this little guy couldn’t be any cuter! I love Gonzo’s whole look and overall cuteness factor! He is such a little doll face. Love everything about this little guy!
Gonzo is projected to weigh approximately 9 pounds full grown.
Weight on 05/03/2022: 1pound, 2.0ounces
Weight on 05/28/2022: 2pounds, 2.6ounces
Weight on 07/13/2022: 4pounds, 2ounces
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 07/18/2022 “Lula” Female Teacup Morkie, Born: 04.07.2022, Ready: NOW 06.28.2022
****Lula is a MORKIE, not a pure Yorkie. But I wanted to include her on this tab, as she is 3/4 Yorkie and just 1/4 Maltese. So she has predominantly Yorkie features and coloring. So if you’re looking for a Yorkie, we just don’t have any pure Yorkies available at this time, maybe Little Miss Lula will fit the bill. She is amazing! ****
Oh my goodness, this is “Lula” and she is stunning! Love her dark facial markings and beautiful coloring. She is out of a 4 and a 1/2 pound Mom (Morkie) and 4 pound Dad (Yorkie). So she is 3/4 Yorkie and 1/4 Maltese. She is just beautiful and is starting to play around so cute. Love this little Morkie girl! She is projected to CC mm weigh approximately five pounds full grown.Â
Weight on 05/04/2022: 1pound, 5ounces
Weight on 05/28/2022: 2pounds, 0.0 ouncesÂ
Weight on 07/17/2022: 2pounds, 12ounces
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 07/15/2022 “R.C.” Male French Bulldog (Frenchie), Born: 06/04/2022, Ready: 08/01/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 07/15/2022. “C.K.” Male French Bulldog (Frenchie), Born: 06/04/2022, Ready: 08/01/2022
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 07/09/2022 "Whitney" Female Shorkiepoo, Born: 05.06.2022, Ready: 07.13.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD
Whitney is absolutely beautiful! She got the traditional Yorkie coloring, and will likely end up looking mostly like her Yorkie roots. She is going to be beautiful! And check out that super cool white sock on her front, left paw! So cool!Â
Whitney is projected to weigh approximately 5-6 pounds. She is out of a 4 pound Yorkie Dad and 5 Pound Shorkiepoo Mom. So cute!
Weight on 05/28/2022: 1pound, 3.5ounces
Weight on 06/30/2022: 1pound, 14.6ounces
***What is a Shorkiepoo? It is such a neat Designer Breed, that combines all the best Characterisitics and Features of Shih Tzu, Yorkie and Poodle! This is such a great breed, and so fun to have so many colors and unique markings in one litter.
SOLD SOLD SOLD “Wynter" Female Shorkiepoo, Born: 05.06.2022, Ready: 07.13.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD
Holy Moly.....How cute is this little Miss Wynter?!?!?! She has the most distinct MUSTACHE marking, it is way too cute! We have only had a couple with a mustache over the many years we've had these little guys. Its super cute to us and so unique.
Wynter is projected to weigh approximately 5-6 pounds. She is out of a 4 pound Yorkie Dad and 5 Pound Shorkiepoo Mom. So cute!
Weight On 05/28/2022: 1pound, 1.6ounces
Weight on 06/30/2022: 2pounds, 2.2ounces
***What is a Shorkiepoo? It is such a neat Designer Breed, that combines all the best Characterisitics and Features of Shih Tzu, Yorkie and Poodle! This is such a great breed, and so fun to have so many colors and unique markings in one litter.
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 06/25/2022 “Gibson” Male Shorkie, Born: 04.16.2022, Ready: 06.20.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 06/25/2022
Oh goodness gracious, talk about a sweet face…. Gibson is just a little doll! This litter is getting cuter by the day. Love his little temperament too, he definitely loves to have company close by. I don’t think he could be any cuter!!!!
Gibson is projected to weigh approximately 8-9 pounds full grown.
Weight on 05/03/2022: 1pound, 2.0ounces
Weight on 05/28/2022: 2pounds, 0.6ounces
SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 07/18/2022 “Lula” Female Teacup Morkie, Born: 04.07.2022, Ready: NOW 06.28.2022
****Lula is a MORKIE, not a pure Yorkie. But I wanted to include her on this tab, as she is 3/4 Yorkie and just 1/4 Maltese. So she has predominantly Yorkie features and coloring. So if you’re looking for a Yorkie, we just don’t have any pure Yorkies available at this time, maybe Little Miss Lula will fit the bill. She is amazing! ****
Oh my goodness, this is “Lula” and she is stunning! Love her dark facial markings and beautiful coloring. She is out of a 4 and a 1/2 pound Mom (Morkie) and 4 pound Dad (Yorkie). So she is 3/4 Yorkie and 1/4 Maltese. She is just beautiful and is starting to play around so cute. Love this little Morkie girl! She is projected to CC mm weigh approximately five pounds full grown.Â
Weight on 05/04/2022: 1pound, 5ounces
Weight on 05/28/2022: 2pounds, 0.0 ouncesÂ
Weight on 07/17/2022: 2pounds, 12ounces
“Greta” Female Shorkie, Born: 04.16.2022, Ready: 06.20.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 05/16/2022
"Freda" Female Morkie, Born: 02.15.2022, Ready: 04.21.2022 (Parti Color- Tri, Black/White/Tan) Sold Sold Sold
"Finn" Male Morkie, Born: 02.15.2022, Ready: 04.21.2022 (Parti Color-Tri, Black/White/Tan) SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 04/22/2022
“Raya” Female Yorkie, Born: 12/20/2021, Ready: 03/05/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS PF 03/29/2022
"Franklin" Male Morkie, Born: 02.15.2022, Ready: 04.21.2022 (Traditional Color-Tri, Black &Tan) SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 03.22.2022
"Finley" Female Morkie, Born: 02.15.2022, Ready: 04.21.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 03.24.2022 (Parti Color-Tri, Black/White/Tan)
"Freda" Female Morkie, Born: 02.15.2022, Ready: 04.21.2022 (Parti Color- Tri, Black/White/Tan) Sold Sold Sold
“Rango” Male Yorkie, Born: 12/20/2021, Ready: 03/05/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 03.12.2022
“Rosie Posey” Female Yorkie, Born: 12/20/2021, Ready: 03/05/2022 SPAY/PET CONTRACT ONLY Sold Sold Sold
“Maverick” Male Morkie, Born: 01/06/2022, Ready: 03/17/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 02/19/2022
“Sweet Gracie” Teacup Yorkie Girl, Born: 01.05.2022, Ready: After 04/06/2022. SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 02.13.2022
“Gatsby” Teacup Yorkie Male, Born: 01.05.2022, Ready: 04.06.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 02.14.2022
“Meli” Morkie Female, Born: 01/06/2022, Ready: 03/17/2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 02/20/2022
Ready: 03/17/2022
Pick of litter goes in order of Deposits Received. Selections will start when puppies are approximately 4 weeks old, and have their eyes open and are developing individual characteristics.
Deposit for 1st Pick of Boys Received from C&K B.on 01/07/2022
”Murphy” selected
—————————-- ———--
Deposit for 1st Pick of Girls Received from C&K B.on 01/07/2022
”Masha” selected
Deposit for 2nd Pick of Girls Received from C.H.on 1/14/2022
”Mandy” selected
Deposit for 3rd Pick of Girls Received from M.L. On
”Mistie” selected