SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10/24/2023 “Gabi” Female Shorkiepoo, Born: 08/31/2023, Ready: 11/09/2023
per item
Wow, wow, wow!!!! "Gabi" girl is absolutely stunning, I cannot get over her coloring and markings, her face, just everything about her!!!! She is projected to weigh around 5 pounds full grown. I can't get over this little cutie... Gabi is just so pretty and dainty, with the most beautiful markings and features!
Weight On:
10/23/2023-1.7.0 pounds
Shorkiepoo is an amazing Designer Breed, that combines 3 of our favorite breeds all into one...Shih Tzu, Yorkie and Poodle cross. These little cuties have amazing personalities and temperaments and have been a favorited Designer Breed for several years! So much fun in such a small package!