“Fanci” Female Yorkie, Born: 11.10.2021, Ready: 02.05.2021 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12.01.2021
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Oh this sweet little yorkie girl is going to be gorgeous! Keep in mind these very prelim pictures, she’s 10 days old and eyes aren’t open yet. But it won’t take long for her looks to start developing and her features to get oh so cute!
She is projected to weigh less than 5 pounds. Mom weighs 4 and a half pounds and Dad is 4 pounds. So she is going to be a cutie!
She will be ready to go in February 2022, once she is 12+ weeks old with her first 3 Puppy Shots done.
Weight on 11.20.2021: 8.2 ounces (10 days old)