- "Kendrick" Male Shorkiepoo, Born: 08.02.19, Ready: 10.17.19 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12.02.19
"Kendrick" Male Shorkiepoo, Born: 08.02.19, Ready: 10.17.19 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12.02.19
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12.02.19. This little guy will be headed to Rio Rancho:-)
What a handsome fellow! Sir Kendrick is as cute as can be and has a handsome face. I love his look! Sometimes he prefers to play rough and tumble... then he likes to act all grown up and watch from a distance. He cracks me up!
Kendrick is projected to weigh right about 8 pounds full grown.