- "Patsy" Female Yorkie, Born: 12.04.18, Ready: 02.12.19 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 04.16.19
"Patsy" Female Yorkie, Born: 12.04.18, Ready: 02.12.19 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 04.16.19
On Sale
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 04.16.19, Sweet Patsy went to a new home this evening. She is definitely going to be spoiled, but I'm missing her already. She will have lots of adventures!!!Patsy is a cutie. She has a great hair coat and a sweet face. She is projected to weigh approximately 7-8 pounds full grown. This girl is full of personality and spunk.
***Patsy may have a little inguinal hernia. Price discounted to allow for spaying and hernia repair.
04.06.19-I need to work on getting updated pictures of Miss Patsy on here...