- "Miss Mittens" Female Teacup Yorkie, DOB: 09.26.2018, Ready: 01.19.2019 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 02.05.2019
"Miss Mittens" Female Teacup Yorkie, DOB: 09.26.2018, Ready: 01.19.2019 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 02.05.2019
On Sale
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 02.05.2019, Miss Mittens is going to be a Rio Rancho baby soon.... So sweet!
"Miss Mittens" Female Teacup Yorkie, DOB: 09.26.2018, Ready: 01.19.2019
This little girl is a pistol, she is full of energy and loves being the center of attention. She is so much fun and so darn cute!!! She is projected to weigh between 3 and 4 pounds full grown.
*****Miss Mittens is on a Spay Only Contract. Buyer agrees to have Miss Mittens Spayed at 1 year of age, or Veterinarian's discretion.
Please note: I wrote "Today's Date" as 2018, it should be 2019 on her card.