- "Bellamy" Male Maltese, DOB: 12.04.16, Ready: 02.08.17 SOLD SOLD SOLD
"Bellamy" Male Maltese, DOB: 12.04.16, Ready: 02.08.17 SOLD SOLD SOLD
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Bellamy is one of two brothers. Our only litter of Maltese this year. These guys are too cute. They will be ready in February 2017 to go home, they are just now starting to toddle around more hours during the day and are learning to adventure. Love these little guys!!!!
Bellamy is one of two brothers. Our only litter of Maltese this year. These guys are too cute. They will be ready in February 2017 to go home, they are just now starting to toddle around more hours during the day and are learning to adventure. Love these little guys!!!!