- "Bear" Male Yorkie, DOB: 11.9.16, Ready: 01.20.17 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 01.07.17
"Bear" Male Yorkie, DOB: 11.9.16, Ready: 01.20.17 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 01.07.17
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 01.07.17, Bear is going to live in Albuquerque, NM soon. He is such a little sweetie!
​Bear is such a cutie pie! I love this chunky little guy. He has such a fun little temperament. He loves to wag his tail and get lots of pats and ear scratches. He is one stout little guy, I am projecting him to weigh around 9-10 pounds full grown. He has a great hair coat and he is just a little doll. He's definitely got a fun personality...
​Bear is such a cutie pie! I love this chunky little guy. He has such a fun little temperament. He loves to wag his tail and get lots of pats and ear scratches. He is one stout little guy, I am projecting him to weigh around 9-10 pounds full grown. He has a great hair coat and he is just a little doll. He's definitely got a fun personality...