- "Shandi" Female Shorkie, DOB: 09.11.16, Ready: 12.15.16 Sold Sold Sold
"Shandi" Female Shorkie, DOB: 09.11.16, Ready: 12.15.16 Sold Sold Sold
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 11.23.16, Shandi is going to live in Santa Fe, NM this Christmas!!!
This is little Miss Shandi, she is a female Shorkie (Shih Tzu and Yorkie Cross). She is so cute, and has turned out to have the coloring of a traditional Yorkie. She is super cute and so much fun. She is projected to weight approximately 8 pounds full grown. She does have the docked tail, traditional of the yorkie side. She is a lot of fun, and takes the cutest pictures!
This is little Miss Shandi, she is a female Shorkie (Shih Tzu and Yorkie Cross). She is so cute, and has turned out to have the coloring of a traditional Yorkie. She is super cute and so much fun. She is projected to weight approximately 8 pounds full grown. She does have the docked tail, traditional of the yorkie side. She is a lot of fun, and takes the cutest pictures!