- "Mandi" Female Morkie, DOB: 07.26.16, Ready: As of 10.04.16, Mandi is now almost 5 months old and ready to go with her first 4 shots done. SOLD SOLD SOLD
"Mandi" Female Morkie, DOB: 07.26.16, Ready: As of 10.04.16, Mandi is now almost 5 months old and ready to go with her first 4 shots done. SOLD SOLD SOLD
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Talk about the little social butterfly...Mandi is so much fun and she loves to be with people, including the kids. She is so much fun and so darn cute when she wags her tail. She is a super sweet girl. We project her full grown weight to be around 8-9 pounds.
****11/23/16-Mandi weighs 4 lbs 9oz today, at 16 weeks old 11/23/16
Located in Alamogordo, NM
****11/23/16-Mandi weighs 4 lbs 9oz today, at 16 weeks old 11/23/16
Located in Alamogordo, NM