- "Lee" Male Shorkie, DOB: 07.29.16, Ready: 10.07.16 SOLD SOLD SOLD
"Lee" Male Shorkie, DOB: 07.29.16, Ready: 10.07.16 SOLD SOLD SOLD
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 11/18/16, Lee will go live in Santa Fe, NM soon!!!!!
​Lee is absolutely a sweetheart. He is a quiet and sweet little guy and we love his temperament. This little guy is adorable in photos, but he's even cuter in real life. Love his little face. I anticipate he will weigh around 9 pounds full grown.
​Lee is absolutely a sweetheart. He is a quiet and sweet little guy and we love his temperament. This little guy is adorable in photos, but he's even cuter in real life. Love his little face. I anticipate he will weigh around 9 pounds full grown.