- "Tucker" Male YorkieShihPoo, DOB: 08.08.16, Ready: 10.10.16 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10.02.16
"Tucker" Male YorkieShihPoo, DOB: 08.08.16, Ready: 10.10.16 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10.02.16
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 10.02.16, Little Tucker is going to live in Silver City, NM soon. He is so cute!
Yorkie, Shih Tzu and Poodle crossed makes the cutest faces I've ever seen. Love this mix. They tend to lighten in color with age and are super sweet babies.
***Tucker has a prominent breastbone that we are obliged to disclose in advance. We have seen these minimize as the puppy ages into adulthood with no health issues. It is something you can feel when you pick him up under the chest/belly area. He has been absolutely healthy with no signs of issues to date and he is one happy little guy.
Yorkie, Shih Tzu and Poodle crossed makes the cutest faces I've ever seen. Love this mix. They tend to lighten in color with age and are super sweet babies.
***Tucker has a prominent breastbone that we are obliged to disclose in advance. We have seen these minimize as the puppy ages into adulthood with no health issues. It is something you can feel when you pick him up under the chest/belly area. He has been absolutely healthy with no signs of issues to date and he is one happy little guy.