- "Cam" Male Morkie, DOB: 07.21.16, Ready: As of 09.29.16. Mason is 5 months old and has his first 4 shots. He is ready to go to his forever home. SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12.03.16
"Cam" Male Morkie, DOB: 07.21.16, Ready: As of 09.29.16. Mason is 5 months old and has his first 4 shots. He is ready to go to his forever home. SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12.03.16
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12.03.16, Cam is going to live in Santa Fe, NM!!!
Cam is a Morkie, so he's half Maltese and half Yorkie. I anticipate him to be around 8-9 pounds full grown. He is super cuddly and very calm. Love this little guy! He is good with kids and he is just a little lover.
***11/23/16 His current weight is 4lbs 4oz, at 17 weeks old on 11/23/16
Located in Alamogordo, NM
Cam is a Morkie, so he's half Maltese and half Yorkie. I anticipate him to be around 8-9 pounds full grown. He is super cuddly and very calm. Love this little guy! He is good with kids and he is just a little lover.
***11/23/16 His current weight is 4lbs 4oz, at 17 weeks old on 11/23/16
Located in Alamogordo, NM