- "Illie" Female Morkie, DOB: 06.21.16, Ready: 08.30.16 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/13/16
"Illie" Female Morkie, DOB: 06.21.16, Ready: 08.30.16 SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 08/13/16
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SOLD SOLD SOLD. Miss Illie will get to stay in her hometown of Alamogordo with a great little family!!!
Oh my goodness, Little Miss Illie (short for Illiana) is such a sweetheart. She has great markings and a super sweet disposition. She is estimated to weigh in the 8 pound range when full grown.
Oh my goodness, Little Miss Illie (short for Illiana) is such a sweetheart. She has great markings and a super sweet disposition. She is estimated to weigh in the 8 pound range when full grown.