- "Caleb" Male Maltese, DOB: 11.18.15, Ready: 02.13.16 Sold Sold Sold
"Caleb" Male Maltese, DOB: 11.18.15, Ready: 02.13.16 Sold Sold Sold
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There are 3 boys in this litter and they are so close in size it's hard to tell who is going to be the smallest or the biggest. None of them will be all that big as Maltese are considered a toy breed to begin with. I think the boys will be around 6 pounds full grown and they are all super cute and fun. They love to romp around and tackle each other throughout the day and play hard. Then it's time for a nap and they are great little snugglers. They look like a big white fluff ball all laying on top of each other during naps. So cute and funny.
Ready at 12 weeks old with first 3 shots done and CKC registration papers. Just in time for Valentine's Day 2016!!!
Ready at 12 weeks old with first 3 shots done and CKC registration papers. Just in time for Valentine's Day 2016!!!