- "James Bond" YorkieShihPoo SOLD SOLD SOLD
"James Bond" YorkieShihPoo SOLD SOLD SOLD
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SOLD SOLD SOLD AS OF 12/10/15, James Bond is going to live in Carlsbad, NM very soon!
DOB: 09.22.15
Ready: 11.26.15
Male Yorkie/Shih Tzu/Poodle. James Bond is so cute! James is a fun loving, bouncy little guy. He looks a lot like his brother Stoney Larue and loves to play around me while I'm working. He also enjoys guarding the food bowl like it belongs to only him. He sometimes takes naps in the food bowl too and it's so funny. I love this little character.
DOB: 09.22.15
Ready: 11.26.15
Male Yorkie/Shih Tzu/Poodle. James Bond is so cute! James is a fun loving, bouncy little guy. He looks a lot like his brother Stoney Larue and loves to play around me while I'm working. He also enjoys guarding the food bowl like it belongs to only him. He sometimes takes naps in the food bowl too and it's so funny. I love this little character.