- "Miss Chanel BeBe" Female Yorkie-Teacup SOLD SOLD SOLD
"Miss Chanel BeBe" Female Yorkie-Teacup SOLD SOLD SOLD
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SOLD SOLD SOLD as of 08/24/15. Her Name Was Chanel BeBe, But her new momma met her in person today and renamed her Peppa! She is going to live in El Paso, TX with Mrs. R, in September 2015!!!!!!
DOB: 07.01.15
Ready: September 23rd, 2015
Miss Chanel is a little girl, she is going to be perfect for any girly girl to tote around in a pretty little purse. Her Momma is 5lbs and Daddy is 2lbs and a couple ounces. So, she is going to be tiny and cute!
We have Dual registered this litter, they are registered with The AKC(American Kennel Club) & CKC(Continental Kennel Club)!
DOB: 07.01.15
Ready: September 23rd, 2015
Miss Chanel is a little girl, she is going to be perfect for any girly girl to tote around in a pretty little purse. Her Momma is 5lbs and Daddy is 2lbs and a couple ounces. So, she is going to be tiny and cute!
We have Dual registered this litter, they are registered with The AKC(American Kennel Club) & CKC(Continental Kennel Club)!