- YorkiePoo Girl "Pearl" SOLD SOLD SOLD
YorkiePoo Girl "Pearl" SOLD SOLD SOLD
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SOLD SOLD SOLD, Pearl sold to a great couple in Alamogordo, NM. She is super sweet!
DOB: 03.19.15
Pearl is almost 4 months old now. She is a little shy, but extremely sweet. She is a very cute mix of Shih Tzu, Poodle and Yorkie. She and her sister Penelope are ready for their forever homes now and have had all of their first 3 shots and CKC paperwork for registering.
Pearl may be shy, but she enjoys playing and taking naps in the sun.
DOB: 03.19.15
Pearl is almost 4 months old now. She is a little shy, but extremely sweet. She is a very cute mix of Shih Tzu, Poodle and Yorkie. She and her sister Penelope are ready for their forever homes now and have had all of their first 3 shots and CKC paperwork for registering.
Pearl may be shy, but she enjoys playing and taking naps in the sun.